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Knock off a Few Years with Wrinkle Treatments

By Anne Fennell

Cosmetic treatments have advanced tremendously in the recent years, particularly when it comes to the treatment for facial wrinkles. No one wants to be though of as "old" but sadly in this world, having younger looking skin is very important and if there are visible wrinkles others will not find a person as attractive.

But what do wrinkle treatments involve? With so many offering the treatments, what is it you should be aware of before you opt for it? Here we take a closer look at wrinkle treatments in general.

What are wrinkle treatments?

Damage to our skin can come from a variety of sources, pollutants in the atmosphere coming from vehicle exhaust, potentially harmful UV exposure from the sun, smoke, many things contribute to this. The skin forms these wrinkles that are seen on the face, and the more there is, the less attractive some people consider you to be, unfortunately.

Botulinum toxin is used to smooth out the fine lines in one's face, and these wrinkle treatments can make a big difference aesthetically. To remove lines, all kinds of things are considered, basic skin cream of course, laser treatments, and chemical peels are also performed. With all of these processes to be chosen from, it looks as if botox is becoming more well known all the time. There are those who use less effective products such as anti-wrinkle creams that have expensive ad campaigns backing them.

What treatments make the most difference?

At this time, this can not be answered with a high degree of certainty. Everyone is different, so the treatments chosen are tailored to the specific needs of the patient. From the available data and result, it appears that dermal fillers and botox injection have very good results, which is probably why they are so popular.

What is the average length of the effects?

This depends on the type of treatment patients decide to have. The limited effects of a product like a skin cream will last for a brief period, but generally it isn't all that effective even when used frequently. More advanced treatments such as dermal fillers and botox injections can last a few months.

The comparison of cost and results

For treatments such as these, it can't be done for a bargain price. Skin rejuvenation treatments such as botox injections, and other specialized processes can cost as much as $3000 or more, or be somewhere closer to $300, it really depends on the provider. If someone doesn't mind applying skin creams every day and buying more often, this is an option for some. Treatments over time can be more closely examined, and the cost effectiveness of each one can be determined. Botox and other dermal fillers are beginning to look like the most practical and cost effective treatment for facial wrinkles, over time. Some physicians believe that the CO2 laser is the most cost effective measure.

Recovery time after treatment

Skin creams for wrinkles have no downtime whatsoever. Of all the treatments on the market, microdermabrasion is looking to be the most speedy recovery when treating wrinkles. Just because it is the fastest, doesn't necessarily mean it is the most effective or the treatment that patients have the easiest time enduring.


There are a lot of choices available for the treatment of facial wrinkles. There are both good and bad points for each kind of treatment. The ultimate choice will depend on the patient, what they can afford, what they are prepared to undergo and the experience of the treating healthcare professional.

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