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Dealing with a control freak

By Kit Karson

If you are in a relationship with a control freak you are not alone. There are literally millions of women in this situation. It can be degrading, depressing and leads to a poor self esteem. This type of behavior can end up being life damaging.

The main reason women tend to stay in a controlling relationship is because they think their partner is going to change; they have hope. Hope is not a good strategy here because control freaks are what they are and they learned it long before you arrived on the scene. Changing the control freak is next to impossible without professional help.

The start of a relationship that has some chemistry between two people can be exhilarating and they tend to be blinded by love. At first the, both are putting their best foot forward. However, as time goes by, it can be a rude awaking if you are with a control freak, especially because it happens slowly without awareness on the innocent person who will soon be affected by it.

He was overly protective from the start of the relationship. Being protective of another person in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing. But, when his overly protective side comes out if you are "caught" talking to an old male friend or co-worker and he suddenly gets angry, this should bring out all of the stop signs in you like crazy.

There are always things that controllers do that are obvious to an outsider, but, to the person involved with one, they are in denial about the reality of what is really going on. Because the relationship may be new, they literally cannot see the forest for the trees and often make excuses for controlling behavior.

Here are some of the danger signs:

- They call or text you multiple times a day

- They have a jealous streak which gets worse as time goes on

- They want to know where you spent money

The controller is always right and cannot take any responsibility for his behavior. He tends to put the blame on you for everything that happens, even when he knows it is his fault. This causes you to tip-toe around so that you don't get him riled up because that always means trouble and can ruin your day.

Learning how to detect controlling and/or abusive behavior is a must if you are to steer clear of those types; they are everywhere. Because his negative behavior comes on slowly, before you know it you are right in the middle of a very bad scenario indeed. This is when you need to start seriously thinking about moving on from this relationship as fast as possible; it won't get better.

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