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Quick Weight Loss Diets: Does It Really Work?

Quick weight loss is something of a contentious issue and has taken on near legendary and fabled proportions simply by virtue of the awed whispers in which people speak of it. As desirable as it maybe to a person who is seeking to try and lose excess weight, the simple truth of the matter is that the so called Quick weight loss methods are usually counterproductive and the epitome of quack remedies as a whole.

In addition, many of the Quick weight loss methods are potentially hazardous to the health because they typically demonize and vilify a particular food type, thereby ensuring that the dieter is then dissuaded from consuming that item. A prime example of this can be plainly seen with regards to the cabbage soup diet. Alleging that that it can achieve Quick weight loss results for those who are willing to follow its instructions, it has been lambasted and condemned by nutritionists and dietitians across the world.

One of the selling points for the cabbage soup diet, and which continues to draw in the gullible despite overwhelming and compelling evidence to the contrary, is the claim that when used and relied upon, the cabbage soup diet can help the dieter lose around 10 lbs a week. Such an impressive rate of weight loss quickly attracted the attention and scrutiny of the medical professionals who quickly dismissed the claims as little more than wishful thinking and cynical exploitation of the public at large.

Even if such weight loss was possible, the bulk of the progress made in this manner would stem from the reduction of water and fluid that is retained within the body. This is significant because water loss may cause a temporary loss in weight, but ultimately, the fact that fat deposits around the body remain untouched is of concern and means that long term weight loss has not and will not be achieved.

Therefore, when considering the issue of Quick weight loss the dieter must ensure that they take the time and effort to temper such enthusiasm for a "quick fix" solution with the safety and feasibility of the diet or eating plan in question.

Therein lies the Achilles heel of so many of these fad diets and eating regimes; they demand a rigid and extremely unsustainable level of commitment from the dieter and which will ultimately alienate the dieter who will then be so aggrieved that they simply give up and surrender outright.

On that note there is one alleged Quick weight loss method that MUST be addressed here and now: the denial of food. Depriving yourself of food is not only dangerous, but utterly counterproductive by virtue of the fact that the metabolism of the body will slow down.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andre_Sampaio


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