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Choosing The Right Acne Treatment Worcester

By Anita Ortega

Many people consider spots on the skin to be a problem limited to children and teenagers. However this is not always the case and some adults can have the problem as well. In some cases it is something that goes away as you get older. However this is not always the case and you may need a specialist acne treatment Worcester in order to deal with the problem and reduce the symptoms.

A lot of what people associate with the term is what is known as acne vulgaris. This occurs when there is a build up of excess oil and dead skin cells. This then results in various types of spots forming on the surface on the skin. Different types of spots will vary in terms of look and severity.

The most common version that tends to occur during late childhood and the teenage years is known as acne vulgaris. This is where during the early stages of puberty an excess amount of sebum results in a clogging of the pores. This then means you get different types of spots.

In the case of whiteheads and blackheads there is no real harm. They may make someone feel more self conscious but they are not harmful. While it is very tempting it is very important to ensure that you or your children do not attempt to squeeze spots. This is because people who squeeze spots usually do so with their hands and given the hands have oil on the skin this will simply result in more spots in the long term!

A more uncomfortable problem are pustules and pupules. These are red and are more tender to the touch. This is due to the fact that they are caused by inflammation and as such this is a more severe version of the condition. The most severe example are cysts and nodules. Cysts and nodules develop in a similar way to whiteheads and pustules. However they also contain pus as well as being more painful due to inflammation. As such this makes them the most severe forms of this type of acne.

This type of condition can often be treated using salicylic acid and bezoyl peroxide. These are the ingredients common in a lot of cleansers you can purchase in various stores. The acid clears away the dead skin cells that cause build up in the pores while the peroxide clears away the bacteria.

Another form of the condition is acne rosacea. This tends to affect people around the age of 30 and is more likely to affect women. It results in inflammation that is similar to vulgaris but sufferers also have rashes around the nose, chin and cheeks. While this cannot be cured it is possible to get antibiotics, laser treatment and other treatments that can reduce the physical symptoms.

You can find numerous types of treatment for acne in the Worcester area. For example you can get laser treatments to reduce acne and scarring. You can also find dermatologists either online or recommended through your doctor. Use your regular search engine for more information and to find something appropriate for your individual requirements.

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