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Choices Of Bunion Surgery San Francisco

By Tiffany Gill

Bunions are enlargements of the bone or tissue that is placed at the base of your big toes. The reason for this formation is if the joint is put under pressure for long time periods. This condition can be due to genetics and may also be formed due to arthritis. An effective treatment method for the condition is bunion surgery San Francisco.

A good starting point to deal with the condition is by wearing well-fitting, comfortable shoes. The shoes you wear should be suitable for your particular foot shape. An alternate treatment is to make use of splints or orthotics to try and reposition the affected toe. If the attempts at using non-surgical methods fail, it may be necessary to undergo surgery.

There are various techniques used for bunion surgery San Francisco. The type your doctor recommends will be determined by your age, general health and activity level. The severity of the condition will also be a determining factor. The condition of the tissues and bones in your feet will also be assessed to determine the best surgery method. A doctor will only recommend surgical intervention if the problem is causing you pain and if all non-surgical methods have had no effect.

One of the most common types of surgery is called osteotomy. There are several types of osteotomy, but all the operations involve cutting and removal of a section of the bone inside your toe. The procedure will involve the removal of the lump of bone and realignment of the bones inside the big toe.

If it is necessary to move the joint of the toe to align it, it may be necessary to remove more bone pieces. This procedure may include an additional surgical procedure called distal soft tissue realignment. This involves the alteration of the foot tissue to aid in the correction of the deformity. It will improve the foot's appearance and stability.

Another surgical method that is used is termed Arthrodesis. During this technique two bones in the toe joint are fused together. This procedure is normally recommended for patients who are suffering from severe deformities of their big toe joints. The severe deformity makes it very difficult for the joint to be repaired effectively. The method is used when there is joint degeneration present. This type of surgical method will reduce the movement in the big toe quite dramatically.

Another surgical method that is available is called excision arthroplasty. This procedure involves the removal of the bunion as well as part of the bone which is situated in the joint at the bottom of your big toe. This ultimately creates a false joint when the scar tissue forms during the healing process. The surgeon pins the joint into its correct place by using wires. The wires are normally removed a few weeks after the surgical procedure. This method of surgery is normally used in certain cases only and is normally used in severe cases of bunions involving the elderly.

The decision to undergo bunion surgery San Francisco should not be taken lightly. Sports persons and professional dancers will have surgical procedures recommended only if they are no longer able to perform in their respective careers. The surgical procedure may make your toes less flexible and you may not be able to return to the same level of activity as before the surgery.

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